Little over a week to go, and plans are starting to fall into place. Spent the weekend working on "What not to forget lists", brainstormed solutions to a couple problems, and upgraded a couple key components of our trip. All of which will be tested, evaluated, and adapted as needed come Memorial Day Weekend.

I've used the Wunderlist app for several years now and find it works quite well for keeping track of any number of facets of my life. Its free, isn't too complicated, and allows sharing of lists with other individuals. Since my phone generally lives in my pocket, I can easily add items to any of the numerous lists I have going, and mark items off as I get them done. I currently have a long list of items on the Trial Run list I need to make sure I don't forget to pack, and several challenges that need to be overcome.
Two of those challenges were solved this last weekend.

The first was how to charge the Macbook Air that will be used to maintain this blog over the trip. To do so I bought a 250 Watt power inverter ($40 at Fry's in Wilsonville). It has two power outlets and a USB port. Its a much larger wattage than we'll need, but you never know what I'll be plugging into it someday.

The second purchase was actually an upgrade to and upgrade. I had a crazier idea once upon a time to walk as far as I could. I did make it twenty six miles to Bandon before my shoulder muscle gave out and I was forced to end the adventure. During the process of brainstorming for that trip, I explored various ways to lighten my backpack. This included the creation of the first way I used to boil water: a can food can stove, Heet fuel line treatment, a lighter, and a Stanley aluminum cooker. I used that for several years before Shar and I upgraded to the use of the classic Colman two burner camp stove. I'm sure we'll still use that for trips in the truck camper, but in the meantime we upgraded our boiling water ability by investing in the JetBoil cooking system. Its an incredibly light, awesomely efficient way of making water hot quickly. We also added the pot stand attachment for later cooking additions, and the French press adapter that will allow us to switch from instant coffee to something with a better taste. The whole system all but stores itself as well.

Shar and I have refined our camping over the years in many areas. One of these areas that has developed over the years is The Kitchen. Its made up of just about everything one might need to eat and clean up after a meal. We're pretty proud of it. I'm a little worried about size, it being a small plastic tote, but that is something we'll be examining on the trial run.
The last topic of this blog chapter is meals. Currently, Shar and I are thinking breakfast and coffee wherever we might have slept the night before, mostly yogurt, granola, and instant oatmeal, adding cut up fruit to all. We're planning a late lunch at a mom and pop type diner each day, and will surround that meal with snacks. But no matter how meals end up shaking out on the Trial Run, we'll still be taking two of our oldest friends. Both of these coolers have been on nearly every long trip we have done together, including our first from Denver back home to Oregon.
Izzy, my demon cat who can't pass up any chance to be higher than the floor, won't be joining us.
Chapter Four will be on the road come Memorial Weekend!
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